Sri Amma bio:

Sri Amma's bio:

Sri Amma was born on August 15, 1954, in the lovely village of Sangham, which is located in southern India in the state of Andhra Pradesh.  She is much loved for her wisdom and childlike simplicity.  It is said that Amma and Bhagavan are one being or soul in two separate bodies, and each can transfer the state of Oneness Awakening to any number of people.  They work in tandem, with Bhagavan guiding the process while Amma radiates tremendous energy, so the fully Awakened state of enlightenment is made available to everyone.

When Bhagavan is asked about healing, he often suggests for people to turn to Amma, since she reacts faster as she is the embodiment of Shakti, the Divine Feminine power.  He also says that anyone who has a close inner relationship or friendship with both Amma and Bhagavan can achieve the Oneness state much easier and faster, since it creates a greater harmony of the yin and yang within.

In 1984, Sri Amma, Bhagavan, and a childhood friend opened their spiritual school called Jeevashram.  The phenomenon of Divine Grace was born five years later when students at the school suddenly began to experience very high states of consciousness.  Great miracles became a daily occurrence in the lives of the school children, and many became true mystics and prophets.  A few years later Amma and Bhagavan chose six of their students to become direct disciples, and embarked on their life's mission--to transfer the Awakened state to all of mankind.

From this very humble beginning, Sri Amma Bhagavan's Golden Age Movement today has millions of members all around the world.  That number continues to increase daily as more and more discover that true Awakening in our lifetime is a reality.