Sunday, April 19, 2009


Question 1: I have lots of questions to ask, but I forget what to ask when I am in front of you. Why?

Answer from Kalki Bhagawan: This is because I never see you as separate from me. We all are one. You get intense pleasure when you become one with me and thus experience and enjoy fully.

Question 2: Are you a god or not?

Answer from Kalki Bhagawan: God can be understood in 3 ways:

1. Unmanifested form: Electricity, for example, that has no value or characteristics by itself. Since if experienced directly could turn one to ashes. On the other hand one could experience it indirectly by enjoying through microphone through which I am speaking or through tube lights that are burning now. Unmanifested god is like steam.

2. Manifested god: Eg.antaryamin that one can experience now or across a period of time. I relate to people by guiding them constantly by talking to them inwardly. Manifested god can be compared to the next stage after steam i.e. water.

3. Incarnated god: This can also be called the physical form like the water when it turns to ice. It is necessary for god to incarnate. God must be physically visible in order to relate to you. I am one such incarnation. Dharma is a train that begins from nowhere and ends nowhere. Lord Rama drove this train, then Krishna and now it is kalki who is the driver. I speak modern language, science and tech., going with the modern times.when you come for the Maha Deeksha, and you will know who I am. We will come face to face. You will have no doubts. Everything work on experience more than teachings .you will be enlightened. You can see the offerings made at Lord Shiva and Lord Ganesh temple coming to me here. You will see me appearing on the moon, sun and sky.

Question 3: Bhagawan, why is it people are not accepting our dharma and You as an avatar?

Answer from Kalki Bhagawan: There are 3 stages for any dharma:

1. First is non-acceptance,

2. The second is ridicule

3. The third is acceptance.

These stages can be seen for all spiritual movements .so right now our dharma is undergoing the last phase of the 2nd stage i.e. ridicule. Soon we will have better times. This year2004 will be the acceptance phase. Our spiritual awakening will gain momentum with each passing day till the last man on this planet would have attained Mukti.This will predominantly start from June 2004 and will be established in 2012 by which our earth would have become a paradise. Our dharma started in1992. The last 12 years was a preparation for the Golden Age. Actual golden age will start from june 2004. India would become one of the leading nations in every field. The reason for thus happening is because Venus would pass across the sun. If there were any great avatar on earth during this phenomenon, rapid changes would take place on earth. Before when Venus passed Sun on 1952, there was no avatar at that time. But now this will not happen since we have avatar in this planet.

Question 4: Bhagawan, we youths are constantly under pressure from our parents and financial problems. What advice can you give us on this and for our future? Which field can we select for our future?

Answer from Kalki Bhagawan: All youth should have four steps for their success.

1) Should be clear with their goal.

2) Should not think whether it will happen or not.

3) Should focus on our goal.

4) Relationship with Parents.

The future of India is in the hands of the youth. We have a large human population thus lot of human resource. India ? china lead in spirituality. The youth must have a focused mind with a vision &goal in life that is free of conflict. They must also maintain a good relationship with their parents. India still upholds family values and traditions unlike western countries where the bond is weakening. All youth should not Judge their parents. You must forgive your parents. If all the above points are met, then my Grace shall come easily.

In the next few months we will have special programmes for the youth. In this, the course will be conducted for their brains for more concentration and for their focus and to make them more intelligent. After the course, you will come out as a finished product. Where ever you go an academic institutor for a job will choose you. No one can challenge you in the world. This is how I am about to bring India to the top. But for this to take place you may have to stay in Varadapalayam for 5-6 days. On you career growth, as said earlier it is good to take either IT or Biotech field. All other fields will also be there. But these will run the future. There may be rise and down like a wave in the early stage. By 2012 it will be stabilized.

Question 5: One of the fundamental teachings of the Dharma is to set right relationships. Exactly how can we improve or set right our relationships?

Answer from Sri Kalki Bhagavan: It is essential for you to first understand that ?Life is relationships?. Now coming to your question how to improve relationships? The problem of relationships cannot be solved through psychology. All effort to understand the other person completely can never help. It is like peeling an onion. As you go on peeling an onion nothing remains. Say, you are eating khova (a south Indian sweet dish), you don?t try to understand, but just experience the eating of khova.

In the same way, you need to experience the other person just as he or she is. A husband trying to analyze or understand his wife will take him nowhere. ?Analysis leads to paralysis?. Everybody is constantly trying to understand, analyse, judge others while struggling to change the other person. Unfortunately, people fail to realize that this is impossible as all of you are like computers who have been programmed and hence have no free will of your own. Your past lives, birth traumas, childhood, education, culture and all your conditionings are in possession of you and your lives. Your life flows according to this programme.

So, when you are trying to understand and change the other person; it is only one programme trying to alter another programme. This game goes on from birth to death. Supposing you are going to a movie everyday, hoping that there will be a new ending, a new climax. Will it really change? All of you are trying to change each other in the same way! What you need to do is experience the other person fully. When the husband returns home to find his wife screaming; he must experience her like watching a movie or drinking a glass of juice. What happened? Why it happened? Why is her nature that way cannot be really known. Remember, it is like peeling an onion. If you experience ? life becomes Joy! It does not matter what the event is. You have to only experience the programme. Stop judging and being critical. When you experience the other person, you would know exactly how to respond. Abraham Lincoln was shot. Who is to be blamed? The person who shot, the person who made the gun or the person who invented it or somebody else. No person can really be blamed, for, a situation is dependent on so many factors. It is not possible to pinpoint a single reason. If you look at The Bible, it also tells us ?Judge not least ye be judged?. Unless something happens to the programme itself, say through Grace, nothing can change. If the wife screams, experience it? is it possible? Thousands have done it. It is simple and practical. If you experience people, your heart flowers and synchronises with Earth?s heartbeat. My Grace flows and your problems would be solved. If you don?t set right your relationships, I really cannot help you to the extent I want to help you. So start experiencing people and events.

Question 6 - Please give us external Sadhana for flowering of heart.

Answer from Sri Kalki Bhagwan: Relationship is the key. It is your mirror. No matterwho the person is with whom your relationship is not good, youhave to correct it. Other than this one thing I am not in favour ofexternal sadhana in our dharma.

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