Top 6 Motivational Quotes By Twinkle Khanna

By Iram

Twinkle's inspiring quotes

Twinkle Khanna, also known as Mrs Funnybones is one of the great Bollywood divas and today, we bring you some of her inspirational quotes that are all about embracing life.

life is full of contradictions

We all yearn for independence and tranquility in equal measure.

everything falls at their own place

Though they might not always be the things you truly want to find, things have a way of appearing when they want to be found.

knowing how to react depicts a lot

You waste a day on the path to happiness for each day you continue to be in an unpleasant situation.

your past prepares for you for the future

Your past has prepared you, not defined you.

everything comes to you at a cost

Your greatest life moment swiftly blends into a long string of recollections that you tend to forget. At some point, while you ascend, you will inevitably fall.

love is as complicated as it gets

The essence of love, whether in a family or close friend connection is in prioritizing the needs of the other person over your own. This can be as simple or complex as you choose to make it.

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