7 Fascinating Facts About India’s Most Ancient Martial Art Form Kalaripayattu
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7 Fascinating Facts About India’s Most Ancient Martial Art Form Kalaripayattu - Fitness & Workouts

7 Fascinating Facts About India’s Most Ancient Martial Art Form Kalaripayattu

Kalaripayattu techniques have been passed down over generations!

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The fitness industry is constantly coming up with novel ways of working out. Be it Crossfit, Calisthenics, Power-Lifting or Plyometrics, they each bring their own share of benefits to the body. And yet, despite the evolution of modern movements, practitioners of ancient martial arts continue to be counted among the fittest people in the world. Their supernatural physical abilities make backflips look as easy as bending and splits seem like a simple stretch. The level of fitness and flexibility showcased by their masters makes today’s training look like a joke. Their tricks and techniques have truly survived the test of time and the world is slowly, but surely opening its eyes to this reality. More and more people are adapting to ancient ways of working out - the oldest one being India’s own Kalaripayattu.

Kalaripayattu, which means ‘art of the battlefield’ originated in Southern India in the 3rd century B.C. To give you perspective, this was back when The Great Wall Of China was still under construction. In the centuries that followed, countless things went from relevant to redundant, but Kalaripayattu managed to hold its ground. If anything, it has garnered more importance across the globe. In fact, it is said that famous fighting forms like karate and Kung Fu originate from the mother-of-all-martial arts, Kalaripayattu. AskMen India shares 7 more fascinating facts about the art form:

It makes you more mindful

Kalaripayattu originated from the mystical land of India as a martial art form that combines yogic postures, high-flying acrobatics and fluid movements for building both physical and mental fortitude. Its name is an amalgamation of Sanskrit words ‘kalari’ which stands for a training ground or gymnasium and ‘payattu’ which means a fight - but this fight, it is said, is as internal as it is external. Its approach to fitness is more meditative than aggressive. The movements sure are strenuous, but they’re anchored in self-discipline and mindfulness.

It transforms your body

There’s a teaching in Kalaripayattu that says there are 108 vital points in the human body which when stroked, cause the opponent to stop moving completely. Only disciples of the ancient martial art form are acquainted with this knowledge, which can be used to both hurt or heal somebody. They are taught to become the master their body by understanding its inner workings and applying those principles in their movements. This transforms them in and out. They reach a level of fitness and flexibility that seems superhuman to other people.

It puts your resilience to test

The gurus of Kalaripayattu are known to test aspirants in terms of their mental strength and emotional stability before accepting them as disciples. They make note of their responses to unfavourable circumstances. Anyone who’s easily provoked is considered unfit to learn the martial art form. It takes a whole lot of calmness and composure to be able to put their teachings into practice, which is why these prerequisites come into play. At the same time, it takes a good amount of core strength to be able to start. And once you do, you turn into the most invincible individual.

It involves weaponry

Kalaripayattu was promoted by warrior class practitioners in a bid to protect Kerala’s kingdom from infiltrators. This introduced the use of weapons, the first one being a stick that students have to learn how to control before levelling up to spears, swords, daggers and more. It also involves training with knives that have sharp blades in case of masters. ‘Urumi’ or spring sword is another high-level weapon that they use. Their intention, however, is not to harm but to build mindfulness and defend themselves from danger.

It takes a holistic approach to health

At surface level, Kalaripayattu seems to be a strenuous physical activity, but there’s so much more to it. In fact, it’s a melange of five interrelated elements: martial art, yoga, ayurveda, astrology and spiritual science. It gives equal emphasis to all these parameters and promotes overall health in the process. It teaches you how to harness a connection between the body and mind than simply preparing you for a fight. Masters of this martial art also expect students to stand by its moral code and ascetic practices of avoiding alcohol, drugs and other detrimental substances.

It studies the habits of warrior animals

Kalaripayattu moves may look dangerous, but they’re also quite graceful. They involve acrobatic jump rolls and dives as much as attacking drills as a defence against opponents. Some of its movements are also incorporated in traditional South Indian dance forms which further elevate their elegance. And a lot of its techniques originated from studying the habits of 8 Indian warrior animals, including the lion, cobra, battle boar, buffalo, elephant, tiger, fighting cock and horse.

It gave rise to Kung Fu

It is said that shaolin Kung Fu, the famous eastern martial art form, was inspired from Kalaripayattu movements. It travelled to China in the 6th century A.D through an Indian Buddhist monk and Kalaripayattu expert, Daruma Bodhidharma. The ancient healing methods of Ayurveda coupled with the fluid and flexible movements inspired shaolin practitioners to create their own discipline of martial arts.

Kalaripayattu is the rightful heir of ‘the king of martial arts’!

Cover artwork by Dhaval Punatar/AskMen India

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