Monday, May 06, 2024

Care for succulents with these handy tips

If you are wondering why your jade is shedding leaves or cactus is not growing little poky thrones, then it's time to pay some attention.

succulents, succulents tips, succulents care, succulents health , how to grow succulents in India, indian express news These tiny plants are popular wedding gifts too as it’s easy to carry and is a thoughtful present. (Source: Getty/Thinkstock Images)

Succulents are the easiest plants to care for and arguably the most charming. These are ideal for home decor or your work desk, lifting your mood every time you see it. Most interior decor magazines and experts feature these as centrepieces too. These tiny multi-taskers also make for popular wedding or housewarming gifts, too, as they are easy to carry.

But if you are wondering why your jade is shedding leaves or cactus not growing little poky thrones, then it’s time to pay some attention. Here are some common mistakes that you might be making.

* Place it in a sunny spot – Succulents love the sun so try to keep them at a spot which gets at least four to five hours of sunlight. If you are keeping it indoors, make it a point to shift them outdoors during the day.


* If you live where you don’t get sun a major part of the year, then you can place them in the kitchen as it’s generally warm compared to other areas of the house.

* Allow soil to dry between thorough watering. You can kill the tiny plants by over-watering. Generally, a week’s break is best for its health.

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* Avoid using clay-based soil for succulents as they may not thrive in it.

* You can use any kind of pot, but generally go for small ones and those with good drainage.


* If they have caught some kind of infection or bud problem, make a neem water solution and spray on it.

First uploaded on: 03-06-2020 at 23:20 IST
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