Poverty In Pakistan and its causes.

Hasnain Mengal
2 min readJun 6, 2023

Pakistan is a country in south asia and it got its independence from British alongside India in 1947.From its independence Pakistan has been very pour and compare to its counter part India its very pour. Pakistan gdp in 2021 was 338 billion dollars in contrast to that Indian gdp in 2021 was 3.176 trillion dollars which is signifficent;y more tha Pakistan.Most people have very low living standards in Pakistan.In 2023 iits getting only worse for Pakistani people at dollar prices is going up and up and it seems like dollar would prices would not go down.People are livingin absolute miserable conditions. There are several reasons that Pakistan is getting poor.Biggest reason for this poverty are as following : Unempoyment,Over population,import to export ratio,lack of knowledge,provison of no modren machienery to the farmers,and lack of agricultural knowledge to farmers.The list of causes of poverty inPakistan goes on but these are of of the main reasons

Pakistan is top 5 most populated coutries in the worldand this adds to the reason on poverty.One of the biggest export of pakistan is related to export and yet the Farmers in Pakistan do not have access to modren machienery.This makes the production less.Added the fact that 60% of Pakistan people Lives depend upon Agriculture

One of many poor children in Pakistan



Hasnain Mengal

I am a 17 year old college student.I love writing cause it is a way to share my thoughts