How Chennai saved itself from Tsunami

Often ridiculed for its super-hot weather, the infamous metro city of south India had a miraculous escape from Tsunami a few hours after an earthquake measuring 8.9 on richter scale hit Indonesia.

The MET department shared an exclusive report with News of no use (NNU), a day after the catastrophe was averted. The report suggests that extreme hot conditions which is considered bane by the inhabitants, proved as blessing in disguise for the city when 17 meter high wave train approaching Chennai was completely evaporated to clouds in just 0.157 milli seconds. The Meteorological department released satellite images as evidence to support their fantasy like theory.

NASA has translated the report(which was originally written in tamil) to English and the elite agency is closely examining the images. “We are looking forward to setup a R&D center on outskirts of Chennai.” confirmed Mr. Willy, the spokesperson of NASA. 22 scientists hailing from North India have resigned NASA on speculation of being transferred to the new R&D center in Chennai.

Safe from Tsunami

Such breathtaking incident happening in wake of Tamil New Year has rejuvenated 8 million Chennaites and the city feels euphoric after bypassing the dooms day. AIADMK supremo Jayalalitha has called for pompous celebration on coming long weekend.

On the other hand ThalaivarFanClub committee has renounced the MET report and has recognized Rajini’s fever for vaporizing Tsunami waves, thousands of fans were found protesting in the city with posters which read “Get well soon Rajini !! Your fever saved us!! ”

MS Dhoni tweeted, “Ravindra Jadeja’s inclusion in CSK made this possible”.

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