
Eerie optical illusion looks like it’s moving but there’s a trick to make it stop – can you do it?

This brain-frazzling optical illusion is enough to put your head into a spin.

The purple-and-yellow image looks as though it’s both three-dimensional and moving but is in fact stationary and flat.

It’s an example of illusory motion, also known as motion illusion, in which a static image appears to be moving.

They work by tricking the brain into seeing motion using contrasting colors, object shapes and position.

Because our brain reads a change in light as motion, it looks like the lines are moving.

In reality, they are entirely static. A similar trick is used to create the illusion of depth.

Interestingly, the trick relies on the viewer scanning their eyes across the image for the full effect.

If you gaze on the center of the image, the illusory movement slows down or stops altogether.

Optical illusions are often just a bit of fun, but they also hold real value for scientists.

The brain puzzles help researchers shed light on the inner workings of the mind and how it reacts to its surroundings.

Abstract turned frames with a rotating purple yellow wavy pattern. Optical illusion background.
The illusion works by tricking the brain into seeing motion using contrasting colors, object shapes and position. Getty Images/iStockphoto

Dr. Gustav Kuhn, a psychologist and human perception expert at Goldsmiths University in London, told the Sun earlier this month that illusions are essential to our understanding of the brain.

“We typically take perception for granted, and rarely think about the hard work that underpins everyday tasks, such as seeing a cup of coffee in front of you,” he said.

“Visual illusions highlight errors in perception, and they provide important glimpses into the hidden neural processes that allow us to see the world around us.”

It follows the release of a spooky illusion earlier this month that makes the viewer feel as though they are tumbling into a black hole.

This story originally appeared on The Sun and has been reproduced here with permission.