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1 car , Lamborghini huracan , black with red neon light , road of new york city background , ultra-realistic
1 car , Lamborghini huracan , black with red ne... [more]
Model: OpenArt Creative
Width: 640Height: 640
Scale: 9Steps: 25
Sampler: DPM++ SDE KarrasSeed: 2063212100
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Prompt: 1 car , Lamborghini huracan , black with red neon light , road of new york city background , ultra-realistic
Prompt: 1 car , Lamborghini huracan , black , road of new york city background , ultra-realistic
Prompt: 1 car , Lamborghini huracan , black with red neon light , road of new york city background , ultra-realistic
Prompt: 1 car , Lamborghini huracan , holographic , road of new york city background , ultra-realistic