17th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest People
Merry Menarche - Puberty Ceremony

There are traditions across part of India where first period (Menarche) is celebrated. In many parts of the world, menstruation is a very discreet affair that is to be concealed. But it is quite refreshing to know that few parts of India celebrate it. The celebration is called by different names in different states like Manjal Neerattu Vizha in Tamil Nadu, Tuloni Biya in Assam etc. But in each of them, the girls are adorned with new clothes and jewelry and are presented with gifts marking her coming of age. It is indeed appreciable that people receive such natural phenomenon with joy and grace which is otherwise considered a taboo

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 05.2019
Date Uploaded: 11.2019
Photo Location: Delhi, India
Copyright: © Niraj Gera