Period Poverty Pakistan

Tackling Period Poverty in Pakistan in association with Anamta Foundation, Pakistan.

In the villages of Pakistan, most women spend their monthly period distanced from other people. They use dirty rags or newspaper to absorb the flow.

Period poverty means that these women cannot work. If they are still at school, they must miss up to 10 days each month. Period poverty means women can never be fully functioning members of their community and they could never dream to have aspirations outside their current situation.

Period poverty means infections from dirty rags. Period poverty means unaffordable hospital bills. Period poverty can mean death. Even in an emergency, there is often not access to an ambulance and the hospital may be many miles away.

Period poverty can have catastrophic results, yet it is simple to fix.

Anamta Foundation, founded in 2019, has completed excellent work in Pakistan under the guidance of its founder Mrs Tabassum Kamran. Their work includes; poverty relief for the elderly, help for those without means seeking education, marriage and food relief. especially during the pandemic.

In Sakro and the surrounding villages of Sindh province, Karachi, Anamta Foundation and Seerah Today work in collaboration to provide 100 girls and women with sanitary products every month and education regarding the importance of personal hygiene.

To sponsor a woman please set up a standing order for £5 per woman and give the reference of period poverty to Name: Seerah Today Account number: 19460864 Sort code: 60-10-33

For one-off donations please follow this link