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 The flamboyant lady has her headquarters in Nairobi and operates also in Mombasa, Malindi, Machakos and the Namanga Border town where she runs a hidden "safe house", which is just a secret brothel in a premise that has been set up to look like a private affluent home, to keep off prying Police eyes

By Meja Makori

The police in Kenya and the neighboring countries are looking for a prominent young Kenyan elite prostitute who is said to be on the prowl with worrying reports of her crafting and running a prostitution business enterprise. The enterprise is said to be actually a ring of child prostitution business stretching from Kenya to Tanzania which has generated shock waves in the two countries' and the region's prostitution underworld. According our sources within the police, they are yet to get her real names; they have only been working with photos provided to them by some victims who only knew her as Auntie.

The flamboyant lady has her headquarters in Nairobi and operates also in Mombasa, Malindi, Machakos and the Namanga Border town where she runs a hidden "safe house", which is just a secret brothel in a premise that has been set up to look like a private affluent home, to keep off prying Police eyes.

 In neighboring Tanzania she operates in Dar es salaam, Tanga, Mwanza, Bukoba and even Dodoma and Ujiji where her contacts for hunting and gathering child prostitutes preys on desperate refugee girls.

Unknown to her many lady contacts whom she cheats that she takes the young ignorant girls to Christian, European and other Charitable organizations to sponsor their education, she brainwashes the girls once in her safe custody and induces them into prostitution by giving them off daily to her male clients to sleep with, in exchange she is paid large sums of money. The little desperate girls are never paid, but instead they are kept on food and accommodation and threats.

The girls from Kenya are sneaked to grown up male clients, some of them tourists, in Tanzania while those from Tanzania are spirited to clients and hide outs in Kenyan towns. Those taken to tourist resorts like game parks and beaches are even filmed naked and when being made to perform various ungodly sexual acts, which films are then sold by the lady at huge amounts of money.

The latest shocking revelations about the marauding prostitute have it that she has been secretly hunting down, kidnapping and selling albinos to witch doctors in Tanzania, Eastern DRC and Mozambique for a kill.
The lady who specializes in Wealthy European tourist clients from mainly Italy, Sicily and Spain frequents high end hotels while in Nairobi, Dar es Salaam and the Coastal cities and poses as a business woman to all who try to get close to her. She is said to be posh and fun loving.

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