Sep 29, 2023

10 lesser-known facts about Mahatma Gandhi

Sanjay Sharma

10 lesser-known facts about Mahatma Gandhi

Explore lesser-known facets of Mahatma Gandhi's life and legacy beyond the commonly known facts. Discover his struggles, values, and influences that shaped the iconic leader and his profound impact on India's fight for independence and the world's quest for peace.

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Gandhi's Fear of Public Speaking

Gandhi's fear of public speaking was so severe that he would often panic and be unable to speak at all. However, he refused to let his fear defeat him. Gradually, he built up his confidence and began to speak in front of larger and larger audiences.

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Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize

Gandhi, despite his global impact as a proponent of non-violent resistance, was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize five times, yet never claimed the honor. Many argue that his unwavering commitment to non-violence should have earned him this prestigious accolade.

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Relationship with Nelson Mandela

Gandhi's philosophy of non-violence had an impact on leaders like Nelson Mandela, who credited him a significant source of inspiration in his fight against apartheid in South Africa. Mandela recognized the effectiveness of non-violent resistance in bringing about social change.

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Champion of Women's Rights

Gandhi, a champion of women's rights and gender equality, fervently advocated for women's active engagement in the Indian independence movement. His commitment to women's empowerment left an indelible mark on history.

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Champion of Sanitation

Gandhi's passion for cleanliness and sanitation was as profound as his pursuit of political independence. He firmly believed that a clean environment was essential for the well-being of individuals and the nation as a whole.

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Interfaith Harmony

Gandhi's respect for all religions and his efforts to foster interfaith harmony were central to his philosophy. He frequently incorporated readings from various religious texts into his prayer gatherings to promote unity and understanding among diverse communities.

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Education in England

At the tender age of 18, Gandhi embarked on a journey to England to pursue a degree in law. His time in London served as a transformative period, exposing him to a tapestry of cultures and ideas that would later shape his global perspective and philosophy of non-violence.

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His Passion for Writing

Gandhi's passion for writing knew no bounds. He authored numerous works on politics, religion, health, and more. His autobiography, 'The Story of My Experiments with Truth,' remains a timeless classic in the literary world.

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Skilled Spinner and Weaver

In addition to his leadership and advocacy, Gandhi possessed practical skills. He was a skilled spinner and weaver, actively promoting the use of homemade clothing as a means of self-reliance and resistance to British-made textiles during the Swadeshi Movement.

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Vegetarianism and Fasting

Gandhi's strict vegetarianism aligned with animal ethics. His hunger strikes became powerful protest methods, showcasing his commitment to non-violent resistance and inspiring others worldwide in their pursuit of justice, equality, and peace.

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Simple Living

Gandhi's dedication to simplicity was evident in his humble attire of homemade garments and self-spun cotton. He fervently advocated for self-reliance and minimalism, setting an example of living in harmony with his principles.

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