01/8​Surprising health boosts of Mint Leaves

Mint leaves are a humble herb that has a refreshing flavour and remarkable health benefits, making it stand out. More commonly known as "pudina" in Hindi, these delicate leaves are full of wellness just waiting to be discovered. They offer more than just a taste explosion. Here are some benefits and advantages of adding mint leaves to your daily regime.


02/8​Nutritional content

​Nutritional content

Mint leaves pack a punch of essential nutrients vital for overall health. Rich in Vitamin A, crucial for maintaining good vision, and Vitamin C, an immune-boosting antioxidant, mint also offers a significant dose of iron, manganese, and folate, supporting various metabolic functions and cell growth.

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03/8​Digestive comfort

​Digestive comfort

Traditionally recognised for its soothing effects on the stomach, mint aids in alleviating digestive discomfort. It can be particularly beneficial for individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), thanks to its ability to calm the digestive tract. Peppermint oil, derived from mint, holds promise in easing symptoms associated with IBS, offering much-needed relief. Mint serves as a natural coolant, especially cherished during scorching Indian summers. Whether infused in beverages like the refreshing Minty Nimbu Paani or added into soothing Lemongrass and Mint Tea, mint helps beat the heat and keeps you revitalised.

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04/8​Oral wellness

​Oral wellness

Beyond its culinary charm, mint leaves contribute to oral health by freshening breath and combating harmful bacteria. Chewing on mint leaves not only leaves your mouth feeling refreshed but also promotes gum and teeth health, offering a natural alternative to conventional mouthwash.


05/8​Allergy alleviation

​Allergy alleviation

With its anti-inflammatory properties, mint holds promise in managing allergies and respiratory conditions like asthma. Inhaling the aroma of mint or adding it to your regime through capsules may provide relief from allergy symptoms, offering a breath of fresh air for those seeking natural remedies.


06/8​Skin health

​Skin health

Mint's antioxidant properties make it a valuable ally in skincare, protecting the skin from oxidative stress and soothing irritations. Whether applied topically or infused into skincare products, mint leaves leave your skin feeling rejuvenated and refreshed, reflecting its inherent vitality.

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07/8​How to add Mint into your diet

​How to add Mint into your diet

From Chutneys to Teas, mint leaves offer endless culinary possibilities. Enhance your meals with mint-infused delights such as mint chutney or refreshing salads. Indulge in the aromatic charm of mint sauces or elevate your desserts with a hint of mint for a flavorful twist. The versatility of mint extends beyond taste, promising a holistic approach to health and wellness.


08/8Precautions to note

Precautions to note

While mint leaves offer various health benefits, certain precautions should be considered. Mint may exacerbate symptoms of acid reflux or heartburn in some individuals due to its relaxing effect on the lower esophageal sphincter. Excessive consumption of mint may also lead to liver damage in sensitive individuals. Additionally, mint may interact with certain medications, so consult a healthcare professional before using mint supplements, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions or are taking medications.
