Anil Ambani

Reliance Group



Ambani became chairman and CEO of Reliance Group (aka Reliance ADA) in 2002 after Reliance Industries split in two. That set him at odds with older brother Mukesh, who heads Reliance Industries. Ambani bought cinemas, distribution and film-processing group Adlabs in 2005, followed by acquisitions in facilities, production and broadcasting. In 2008, he put $550 million into DreamWorks, then in 2014 his strategy changed. While Ambani still operates the second-largest radio network in India, theaters and broadcasting outfits were sold, as was IM Global. But Reliance Group remains dominant in post-production with investments in a who’s who of Indian directors. That yielded multiple projects with streaming services, including the Netflix hit “Sacred Games,” its first Indian original.

Variety Honors

  • 2017 Variety500 Honoree
  • 2018 Variety500 Honoree
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