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Seahorse stallions turn broody

As summer draws to a close, a quiet reversal of gender roles is in full swing in Australia's coastal waters. Pregnant male seahorses are giving birth to their final brood of the season.

By Rachel Sullivan

Yellow seahorse

Hard to imagine, the seahorse is actually a fish! (Source: Jonathan Clark-Jones)

Like the platypus, seahorses seem to be an appealing amalgam of other animals' spare parts, with horse-like heads; prehensile (gripping) tails like a possum; chameleon-like, independently moving eyes and a body covered with hard bony plates that form an insect-style exoskeleton. A casual observer could be forgiven for thinking that the only connection between seahorses and a fish from the local market is that they both come from the sea.

But despite the fact that they also lack scales, teeth and a stomach, seahorses are indeed fish, with a backbone, gills (albeit unusual grape-like structures), a swim bladder and fins. They are thought to have evolved at least 40 million years ago and have survived from ancient times with only minor physical changes.

Globally, there are at least 35 known species of seahorses, 14 of which are found in Australia. They range in size from a tiny 2cm long species found off Lord Howe Island to the 35cm long big-bellied seahorse (Hippocampus abdominalis). According to Dr Keith Martin-Smith, from the University of Tasmania and Project Seahorse, they live for between eight months and four years. Lifespan is related largely to size - the bigger the animal the longer its potential lifespan.

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Seahorses are very slow swimmers. They are propelled by only a small dorsal fin, located midway down their backs, which beats at about the same speed as a hummingbird's wings - around 70 times per minute.

While their hard bodies limit their flexibility, they are very manoeuvrable and can hover in one position thanks to small pectoral fins on their heads, which are used both for steering and stabilisation. Normally, they swim in an upright position, although they have occasionally been observed swimming horizontally with necks extended forward when chasing prey or escaping danger.

Fact file:

When: October to March

Where: Seahorses are found in shallow coastal tropical and temperate waters all around the Australian coastline, while their cousins, the seadragons are found only in the cooler waters off Australia’s southern coastline (from Geraldton in WA to Port Stephens in NSW, and around Tasmania).

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Horse of another colour

While many fish eat seahorse fry (baby seahorses), few predators fancy making a meal of the amour-plated adults. Still, there are always hungry mouths in the ocean and the seahorse's main forms of defence are its ability to remain motionless and to rapidly change colour to blend in with its surroundings.

Seahorses come in many colours from beige to bright purple and orange, and as well as camouflage may change colour depending what they have eaten, or as part of courtship rituals.

This camouflage also helps ambush unsuspecting prey: using its prehensile tail the seahorse anchors itself to nearby objects or vegetation, then sways gently in the current, lying in wait for larval fish and shrimps to come within range. Aided by binocular vision and the ability of their eyes to move independently, seahorses are very efficient predators. They suck their planktonic prey through trumpet-like snouts with a vacuum so strong that it makes an audible click as the prey is swallowed.

However, because they have no stomach, food cannot be stored so the seahorse has to eat live prey almost continuously to remain alive - a trait that makes them particularly challenging to keep in an aquarium.

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Big-bellied boys

The male seahorse can carry up to 250 fully-formed fry in his pouch. (Source: Jonathan Clark-Jones)

Among all of their remarkable characteristics, it is seahorse reproduction that really stands out. The males are the ones who become pregnant!

All male members of the Sygnathidae family, which includes pipefish, pipehorses and seadragons as well as seahorses, brood the young in pouches of varying degrees of sophistication.

Seadragons and pipehorses carry their eggs naked on their tail, while pipefish and seahorses carry their eggs on the abdomen covered either by flaps that fold over the brood, or within a proper pouch.

After an elaborate mating ritual in which both sexes change colour and twist and dance together, the female inserts her ovipositor - a tubular organ used to deposit eggs - into the male's brood pouch, where the male fertilises the eggs. He nourishes the eggs through a capillary network for between four to six weeks (depending on temperature), before giving birth to between 100 and 250 fully-formed young seahorses up to 12 mm in length.

Martin-Smith says that most species are seasonally monogamous, forming pair bonds that last the entire breeding season. Their bond is reinforced by a daily greeting ritual, a shortened version of the mating dance, before they separate for the rest of the day. The male remains within a one square metre home range, while the female's range is up to 100 square metres around her partner.

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The Weedy Seadragon (Phyllopteyx taeniolatus) and Leafy Seadragon (Phycodurus eques) share the amour plating of the rest of the sygnathids family, but they also have projecting leaf-like flaps that help camouflage them on the weedy substrate.

The Weedy Seadragon's leaf-like flaps help camouflage it. (Source: Dr Keith Martin-Smith)

Unlike a seahorse, the seadragon's tail cannot be coiled around objects, meaning that as a pregnant male floats among the vegetation, its bright pink eggs (which are laid naked on specialised, spongy tissue under the tail) are exposed. But the seadragon has a special trick up its sleeve - as the pregnancy progresses the eggs develop a feathery covering of algae that helps to hide them.

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The seahorse cure

Currently the seahorses' largest threat is their use in traditional Chinese medicines. Around 20 million dead animals are ground up each year and used to treat everything from skin aliments to high cholesterol, thyroid problems, heart disease, lymph node disorders, incontinence and impotence.

While unscrupulous aquarium suppliers do take large numbers from the sea in other parts of the world, in Australia the greatest problems are pollution, habitat degradation, and shallow-water trawling which by-catches huge numbers of seahorses.

Martin-Smith says that problems in Australia tend to be localised - between 2001 and 2004 for example, while numbers remained stable or even increased in other areas, populations around Tasmania dropped by 75 percent. One group in the Derwent River famously began to suffer from massive gender imbalances, with females outnumbering males by as much as five to one.

The populations have since stabilised at low levels and the reason for the sudden decline remains unclear. Martin-Smith says parasitic infections which are known to impact males more than females, probably because of the stresses of pregnancy, may be one cause; another possibility is the knock-on effect of invasive species like the Pacific Sea Star, which even though they are not direct competitors, are having a significant impact on local ecosystems.

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More information

Project Seahorse - advancing marine conservation

The National Dragon Search website

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With thanks to Dr Keith Martin-Smith.

Tags: science-and-technology, animals, fish

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Published 02 March 2006

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