Taxon profile


Banded Trochus Snail
Rochia nilotica (Linnaeus, 1767)

kingdom Animalia - animals »  phylum Mollusca - mollusks »  class Gastropoda - gastropods »  family Tegulidae »  genus Rochia

Scientific synonyms

Trochus niloticus Linnaeus, 1767
Tectus niloticus (Linnaeus, 1767)
Trochus montebelloensis Preston, 1914
Astralium pagodus Tenison-Woods, 1879
Trochus zebra Perry, 1811

Other names

= Banded Black Foot Trochus Snail (Tectus niloticus)


Rochia nilotica - Banded Trochus Snail

Author: Jan Delsing

Rochia nilotica - Banded Trochus Snail

Author: Jan Delsing

Rochia nilotica - Banded Trochus Snail

Author: Jan Delsing

Rochia nilotica - Banded Trochus Snail

Author: Jan Delsing

Rochia nilotica - Banded Trochus Snail

Author: Klaus Rudloff

Rochia nilotica - Banded Trochus Snail

Author: Klaus Rudloff

Rochia nilotica - Banded Trochus Snail

Author: Klaus Rudloff

Rochia nilotica - Banded Trochus Snail

Author: Klaus Rudloff

Taxon in country check-lists*

* List of countries might not be complete

Tectus niloticus: Shell large, ponderous, conical, appearing subperforate, covered - by a corneous striate, brown or yellowish cuticle usually lost on the upper whorls ; color beneath the cuticle white, longitudinally striped with crimson, violet or reddish brown, the base maculate or radiately strigate with a lighter shade of the same ; spire strictly conical, apex acute, usually eroded, whorls 8-10, the upper ones tuberculate at the sutures, and spirally beaded, the following flat on their outer sur- faces, smooth, separated by linear sutures, the body-whorl expanded, dilated and compressed at the obtuse periphery, more or less convex below, indented at the axis ; umbilical tract covered by a spiral fold above deeply entering callus ; aperture transverse, very oblique ; columella oblique, terminating in a denticle below, and with a strong spiral fold above, deeply inserted into the axis. Alt. 80-100, diameter 100-120 mm. Range: Indian Ocean ; New Ireland ; New Caledonia ; North Australia, etc.


Tectus niloticus: Tryon & Pilsbry, Manual of Conchology, Volume 9.
Author: Jan Delsing

Links and literature

EN Australian Faunal Directory [70e4f2dc-b85b-4fd6-b114-7dd04405589b]

ABRS (2009-2019): Australian Faunal Directory [], Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra [as Tectus niloticus (Linnaeus, 1767)]
Data retrieved on: 15 February 2015
EN Galli C.: WMSDB - Wolrdwide Mollusc Species Data Base July 10, 2013 [] [as Tectus niloticus (Linnaeus, 1767)]
Data retrieved on: 23 November 2013
CZ Pfleger V. (1999): České názvy živočichů III. Měkkýši (Mollusca), Národní muzeum, (zoologické odd.), Praha, 108 pp. [as Trochus niloticus LINNÉ, 1758]
Data retrieved on: 11 November 2013

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