How travel inspires Manish Arora every single time

‘My thirst for inspiration has taken me from one end of the world to the other’

Fashion designer Manish Arora chats with us about his ultimate muse and why he returns to the Burning Man festival every single year. Read on for edited excerpts of our interview with him.

There's a lot of attention right now for Indian designers that are going back to their roots, but you were doing that way before it was even cool.

We live in a country that's globally recognised for its culture and crafts so why look elsewhere when the inspiration is right at home? No matter where in the world I go, home is where the heart is and all my creations always have an essence of India through their embroidery, treatment and techniques. I think this isn't just a fad. Global icons are taking inspiration from India now and I see it only getting more serious as a fashion industry moving forward.

How do you keep yourself creatively inspired?

Inspiration can strike anywhere; there are no set rules for it. I have found that my travel experiences in different parts of the world have been my biggest muse. The new people, cultures, clothes and food I encounter during my travels always amaze me. My constant thirst for this inspiration has taken me from one end of the world to the other. The experience each trip has given me has altered me as a person and has reflected in the progression of my work over time.

Tell us about a trip that has changed your life and the way you think

I went to the Burning Man festival for the first time in the summer of 2012. And have returned every year since. It unleashes a sense of unbridled freedom and ecstasy that I've never experienced anywhere else. Each year presents a unique and crazy experience that undoubtedly is the highlight of my entire year. I totally love the value of ‘unconditional gift giving' where the participants are encouraged to exchange favours instead of cash. At Burning Man every person is a part of one big family—there are no states, no boundaries. Only creativity binds people together. I was so besotted by it that it not only became the inspiration for my Fall/Winter ‘13 line but even for my apartment in Paris.

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Your favourite fashion destination in the world and in India

Tokyo—­it's one of my absolute favourite cities in the whole world. Harajuku is my favourite place to shop. It's home to some great stores like Tokyo Hands, a crazy shop filled with offbeat inventions and kitsch knick-knacks. Sometimes I'll even pop into the Hello Kitty stores to see if anything catches my eye. Back home in India, I love to visit the Kinari Bazaar of Old Delhi that is bursting with colours around every turn. I am constantly being surprised and inspired by something new every time I go back to my roots.

What is your idea of a relaxing vacation?

Anything that allows me to unwind and escape from the craziness of reality for a little while. One of my favourite holiday destinations in India is Goa for its sun, sand, beaches and chilled vibe. Some of my best designs have been created after a Goa vacation. I believe getting lost in a new place is sometimes the best way to find hidden gems—shops, cafes, parks.

How would you spend 24 perfect hours in your favourite city?

I came to Paris a long time ago and the love affair was instantaneous. The fashion, beauty, charm and adventure of the city drew me in eventually, becoming my second home. To unwind, I often visit the Rodin Museum Garden or Jardin de Reuilly with a good book or for a picnic on a laid-back sunny afternoon. You can also choose the Luxembourg Gardens for livelier experience; they host a music festival twice a year with both professional and budding musicians' performances. On a slow day, I indulge in some people-watching at the Quai Saint Bernard – nothing gives you a better taste of Paris than its people!

The best places for fashion across the globe

Milan, Paris, Tokyo, London and Rome.

Put the old debate to rest: Mumbai v/s Delhi: which city is better for fashion?

A few years ago, I'd have said Delhi without a doubt. But today, Mumbai has created so many fashion avenues that there's no way to pick one! Both cities have so much emerging talent, business opportunities and global visibility.