Texas Tech University


Angelonia angustifolia

Angelonia is an ornamental annual which responds to regular irrigation and deadheading with flushes of blooms which can appear from Spring through Fall.

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Angelonia angustifolia

Angelonia angustifolia Photo Gallery

Angelonia angustifolia Plant Information

Scientific Name: Angelonia angustifolia
Common Name: angelonia
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Suggested Uses: annuals, beds & borders, container plantings
Plant Form: upright
Height: 14 - 18 inches
Spread: 12 inches
Foliage: narrowly lanceolate leaves, finely serrate

medium-textured foliage
Flower: purple, white, blue, or pink axillary borne flowers on 6 - 8" terminal racemes
Bloom Period: Spring, Summer, Fall
Sun: full sun
Water: medium water requirement
Soil: well-drained soil
Heat Tolerance: high heat tolerance
USDA Zone: zones 9 - 11
Native Range: Mexico

West Indies
Maintenance: deadhead to sustain regular flowering

responds to shearing with a fresh flush of blooms

prefers good fertility and regular irrigation

propagation by stem cuttings

TTU Plant Resources