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5 Inspiring Twitter Campaigns To Learn From

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Twitter is a  very powerful marketing tool. Brands are leveraging this platform to involve with the audience and to get them talking about the brand. Let’s see top 5 brands that smartly cracked this 140 character marketing tool with their creative Twitter campaigns.

1. #IceBucketChallenge by ALS Association

Thousands of people spend the year 2014 by dumping bucket of ice and water over their head and sharing those hilarious videos online.


Ice bucket challenge was actually an accidental campaign. The idea behind the ice bucket challenge was to spread awareness of the disease ALS, popularly known as  Lou Gehrig’s Disease and to encourage donations for research.

It was a simple and unique idea that spread like wildfire and became a global phenomenon in few days. The campaign embraced the spirit of the social media community for a good cause. When thousands including celebrities and politicians become nominees and started nominating others for the challenge,it just went viral and broke the internet.


Ice bucket challenge was a selfless simple idea to create awareness which successfully entertained and involved participants. It’s a great example on how to use offline activities for online promotions.

With more than 2M mentions on twitter, the campaign successfully raised awareness and funds. ALS association had declared that they received total donation of $100 million.

2. #MaukaMauka by Star Sports

Star Sports took the ‘Cricket world cup 2015’ to a different level with their Mauka Mauka campaign. Cricket is more than just a sport to Indians and when it comes to India vs Pakistan the sentiments and passion is much more.

The campaign started with the release of the TVC which shows the desperation of a Pakistani fan to celebrate  one win by bursting crackers. The power of sentiment focused marketing approach was the secret behind the success of Mauka mauka campaign.


The video went viral and people started tweeting online to show their support to the team with hashtags #maukamauka #wontgiveitback and #indwins. Star Sports successfully build on conversations over the TVC on Twitter. In just 12 hours the video had more than a million views.

The brand continued to post on the game as the world cup progressed and kept the engagement going.The campaign is a great example of real-time marketing.

3. #TweetaCoffee by Starbucks

Tweet a coffee is another great campaign that shows, how simple ideas are more effective. Starbucks knows their audience and they efficiently used twitter to give them what they want.

Tweet a coffee is campaign that was launched in the US in which the customers cScreen shot 2013-11-25 at 2. 44. 52 pman buy coffee for anyone on twitter. All they had to do was mention @tweetacoffee and the friends twitter handle in a tweet and $5 eGift card would be given.Users should also connect their Twitter account to the Starbucks account.

The campaign easily attracted the attention of Starbucks fan. It was an easy and unique way for sharing. Over 27000 unique users participated in the campaign to sent the gift to their friend.

When most of the Twitter campaigns focus on brand building, Starbucks took an approach that focus on direct ROI. The campaign generated around $180,000 in just few months and 32% of the purchase occurred in the first day itself.

4. #JetInstant by Jet Airways

#JetInstant was a first of its kind campaign that gave information to customers on flight status and lowest fares in just a single Tweet.

If we want to know about the lowest fare or flight status,all we have to do is follow Jet Airways and Tweet @jetairways. Jet Airways responds to these queries through direct message in real-time.


JetInstant campaign gave the customers great convenience and quick response. As a brand that focus on the quality of the service,the campaign gave great convenience and a personal touch to their services. With this service Jet Airways became the first Indian airline to launch Tweet powered transactions.

5. Social Media Blackout by Taco Bell

Taco Bell took a very bold and unconventional social media strategy for the launch of their mobile app. They wanted to make it clear to the audience that the new way to Taco Bell was only through the app.

Instead of going all big and loud on social media they decided to shut all the social media channels making the message clear #onlyInTheApp. The black screens of TacoBell’s Twitter quickly attracted audience and everyone started talking about them when they said nothing.

Taco bell

Blackout Campaign landed Taco Bell’s app at the No. 1 spot in the Food & Beverage category in the iTunes App Store.The bold approach worked and the app got around 300,000 installs in the first two days. 

All these brands effectively used Twitter to attain their desired goals in the most creative and unique way. These campaigns shows how even a small idea can be so powerful, if implemented at the right time with the right audience.

Image Credits: ALS Association, Starbucks, Star Sports, Jet Airways, Taco Bell

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Rosmy Paul

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