Nov 22, 2023, 06:41 AM IST

7 health benefits of karela juice


Karela (bitter gourd) is full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and is one of the healthiest vegetable.

Karela might have the potential to help with high blood sugar. Studies have also shown that karela might help and have a better effect than some of the common components used for managing elevated blood sugar.

Help reduce blood sugar levels

 Karela juice is a rich source of antioxidants, including Vitamin C and provitamin A, both of which are important for healthy skin and wound healing

May promote skin health

Being low in calories and high in fibre, karela promotes weight reduction. It boosts metabolism and the antioxidants assist cleanse the body, resulting in fat loss.

Weight control

Bitter gourd fights viruses and bacteria and strengthens your immunity.  The antioxidants work as powerful defence mechanisms against illness and also help fight free-radical damage

Boosts immune system

Bitter gourd has a high amount of antioxidants, and this helps it to cure many problems related to tainted blood. 

Blood purifier

You can rid of a mjor hangover by sipping some bitter gourd juice which wipes out the alcoholic intoxication settled in your liver. 

Detoxifies liver and cures hangover

Bitter gourd possesses powerful anti-inflammatory effects. It regulates blood flow and coagulation, resulting in faster wound healing and a reduction in infections at a great scale.

Heals injuries and wounds

This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.

Photos: Freepik, Unslpash