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Time Doesn’t Equal Productivity: 4 Strategies To Focus On Results Vs. Hours

This article is more than 3 years old.

In researching resilience in the workplace, I’ve found many employees today are driven intrinsically to work long hours to impress—especially those who are living with anxiety (more than 30% of the workforce). Out of a fear of keeping their jobs, workers agree to 24/7 availability, stay connected on vacation, and even answer messages in the middle of the night. Managers can tend to over-rely on these people because they seem so willing. That is, until the pressure becomes too much.

It’s dangerous for a leader to conflate hours worked with productivity. Hours and results are not the same thing. Some employees can get an incredible amount done in a typical workday and head out at five. There’s nothing wrong with that. Quality and quantity of work are separate issues.

 This issue has seen some new attention in recent weeks as Goldman Sachs’ CEO said the firm would work to address issues raised by a group of junior bankers. These young analysts described averaging 95 hours a week at work and 5 hours of sleep a night. In an internal survey, they talked about a resulting decline in mental health and sleep deprivation, claiming overwork was negatively affecting their relationships and rated their satisfaction with their personal lives at an average of 1 out of 10.

 CEO David Solomon said in a voice message to staffers that the investment bank would take steps, including more strictly enforcing a ‘Saturday rule,’ which says that junior bankers shouldn’t be in the office from 9 p.m. Friday to 9 a.m. Sunday. It will also accelerate hiring and move employees to the firm’s busiest divisions to ease the workload on junior bankers.

 While the message from the CEO appeared well-meaning, Solomon went on to add, “In the months ahead, there are times when we’re going to feel more stretched than others, but just remember: If we all go an extra mile for our client, even when we feel that we’re reaching our limit, it can really make a difference in our performance.” Critics claim this statement, in response to employees facing extreme stress and burnout, was misguided at best.

 First, there is little evidence to support the idea that going the “extra mile” when people are working 90+ hour weeks is even possible. In fact, there’s considerable research that shows the opposite. Most employees are productive only about three hours per day, according to workplace studies. Even if a savvy firm could coerce triple that productivity out of its people (say nine hours a day), and those workers were able to sustain that level of output for six days a week, that would still be only about 54 hours of actual work getting done.

Adam Grant, bestselling author and organizational psychologist at Wharton, argues that in complex and creative jobs, it makes little sense to pay attention to hours at all. Liane Davey, cofounder of 3COze Inc, adds, “It’s important to make sure your employees understand you don’t equate hours with productivity.” The best way to do this, she says, is to praise openly strong performance, irrespective of hours worked. “If José put up great numbers last week—even if he leaves at 4:30 every day—you need to celebrate him in a public forum. If people complain (about his hours) or you pick up on gossip, head it off at the pass. Say, ‘I encourage you to pay attention to what people are accomplishing and contributing as opposed to the sheer number of hours they work.’”

Too Many Hours, Too Much Burnout

In a response to this recent ramp up in hours worked—especially now so many are working remotely—some well-intended businesses are trying to help by “fixing” the person. They are offering meditation and yoga classes, or giving tips for getting good sleep, healthy eating, and getting organized. While those can be good ways to reduce stress, they ignore a core problem: Organizations and managers are often raising anxiety to unhealthy levels with unrealistic expectations. The result: It’s often impossible for workers to keep up.

Focusing on just the individual shifts attention from fixing underlying issues with the amount of work assigned and the ways in which employees are managed and expected to do their jobs. Thus, below are just a few practices for leaders who are attempting to reduce burnout and manage to results versus hours:

1)   Stagger Necessary Overload

Dispersing tasks more equally among team members involves thinking critically about who is getting overloaded, who is motivated by what, and what the team priorities are right now. Achieving balance in workloads among team members is never easy, and it’s never perfect. It’s inevitable that at any given time, a few people will be doing a disproportionate amount of work. But the key is for managers to ensure that no one person is overloaded all the time. That kind of effort on the part of a leader can greatly reduce stress levels for everyone.

2)   Rotate People

If it’s possible given the nature of their businesses, leaders should consider moving people out of high-load jobs into lower-stress ones in a rotating schedule to avoid anxiety overload. Change like this helps people look forward to a time when they can get out of tough assignments. When done thoughtfully and with proper training, rotating jobs can also be an opportunity to help people move out of their comfort zones and work in areas where they may not normally be assigned.

3)   Check in Regularly

An important step in building resilience in a work group is to check in frequently with team members about how they are holding up individually. Rather than viewing check-ins as wielding a stick, leaders should see this as a way to allow team members to share challenges that are developing so that you can work together to find solutions. As Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, tells his team, “If there is a problem and you tell me, it’s our problem. If there’s a problem and you don’t tell me, it’s your problem.”

To lessen anxiety, some good questions to ask in these individual check-ins include:

■     Do you feel like you can complete the project by deadline without having to work unreasonable hours?

■     Is there anyone else on the team who could help so you could meet the deadline?

■     How can I help you meet the goal?

■     Are there any parts of this project that might be delayed or are giving you problems?

■     Do you need any additional training or resources to be successful?

4) Help people prioritize

Too often employees are left to figure out on their own how to prioritize their work, and that can be an anxiety accelerator. Even a quick discussion with a boss, or with colleagues, can be a great assist. At first, this can be a daily routine with a manager and new employee to offer guidance as they get settled: What do you have going today? Okay, let’s now organize those tasks by level of priority to the team. I recommend using clear criteria to categorize the work to be done, such as Critical, Important, Moderate, and Low. Manager and employee can then discuss what might be able to wait until tomorrow. As employees become more experienced, a boss may move this sort of prioritization to a weekly or even monthly process.

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