
This Just In: Smiling, Happy Guys Are Less Attractive Than Moody or Proud Men

I've always been attracted to smiley, happy, enthusiastic guys—they're my favorite! But a new study from the University of British Columbia shows that on first glance, women prefer guys who aren't happy or smiling.

I've always been attracted to smiley, happy, enthusiastic guys—they're my favorite! But a new study from the University of British Columbia shows that on first glance, women prefer guys who aren't happy or smiling.

The researchers asked more than 1,000 people to rate the attractiveness of men and women in photos. Some of the peeps in the photos were smiling broadly; others showed pride ("raised heads, puffed-up chests") and still others had the look of shame ("lowered heads, averted eyes").

The women were attracted to both the proud and the shameful. Apparently, we still like em powerful and moody. But the men found the smiling women to be the hottest and did not like the mopey women or the powerful and confident women. Figures.

"Generally, the results appear to reflect some very traditional gender norms and cultural values that have emerged, developed and been reinforced through history, at least in Western cultures," said Psychology Professor Jessica Tracy of UBC. "These include norms and values that many would consider old-fashioned and perhaps hoped that we've moved beyond."

Well, I've always liked kinda femme guys, so I guess that explains the smiling. And also—this study was about sexual attraction on first impression, and I do think a broody guy can be superhot.

Do you prefer men who smile? Do happy, smiling guys seem feminine to you? Do you smile a lot on dates (I guess we should)? Do you use a lot of smiling photos in your online profile?

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