Priyanka Chopra

Priyanka Chopra talks Baywatch, Bond & being a badass female

"I was raised by my parents to have an opinion, I was raised to be fearless."
Image may contain Human Person Clothing Apparel Evening Dress Gown Robe Fashion and Priyanka Chopra
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Watch my interview with Priyanka below, and if you can't watch it, scroll down to find out what she said.

Priyanka Chopra on... playing a villain in the Baywatch movie

Victoria is such an absurdly fabulous character – she wears Couture to the beach, she doesn’t like walking on the sand so there’s a little stool that comes out for her, someone asks her for a raise she feeds them to the sharks, I mean, she’s crazy!

Priyanka Chopra on… wanting to play a female Bond

I’m a big fan of the Bond franchise and I would love to play any of the characters, I mean, ideally I’d love to play Bond – I doubt that’ll happen in my lifetime. To see a female Bond? I dunno if we’re ready for it. It would be great, I hope in my lifetime we get to see women playing these iconic characters as genderless.

In fact my inspiration for Victoria was a Bond villain; over the top and narcissistic and everything is about YOU. It’s so much fun to play that because I don’t consider myself like that.

Priyanka Chopra on... being outspoken (and a total badass!)

I feel like we live in a world right now where everything gets magnified so much and most of us are afraid to have an opinion because everything gets magnified and everyone has an opinion on the internet. Since when did trolling become international news first of all? It’s TROLLING FOR A REASON. I don’t care, I get so much love and affection from people on my social – I focus on that. And second of all, that’s how you should treat life. I was raised by my parents to have an opinion, I was raised to be fearless, I was raised to not be a girl who was meant to always be quiet and demure. I was told to be the best that I can be and I wish that for every girl-child on the planet.

Priyanka Chopra on… the battle of the sexes

I think the battle of the sexes is a big problem in the world – whichever field you pick – not just entertainment. I mean, entertainment is in the news because we’re entertainers but everyone deals with it. And it’s unfortunate that we’re in 2017 and it’s such a big topic of conversation that 'I’m playing a female villain', 'a villain is female', we should have seen so much more of that in entertainment. That should be NORM!

Female actors are just as powerful as men, but if you see box office figures the movies that boys lead are always more – numbers wise – so that’s a reflection of us as a society. We go watch those movies a lot more than we watch with female leads on a poster. I think it’s a mind set thing where we need to start thinking that that needs to be a normal. Two things I really advocate is gender equality for sure – and that doesn’t mean we hate men or we want to be better than men, it’s just saying give us the ability to make our choices without being judged – like you’ve enjoyed for such a long time. And second is diversity, and this movie [Baywatch] stands for both. Look at the TV show of Baywatch in the 80s and what it looked like to what THIS movie looks like now.

Priyanka Chopra on… The Rock being perfect husband material

I definitely think he would make great marriage material because I’ve seen him with his family and I’ve seen him with his kids and I know how much of a family man he is. The one thing you need in a husband is honesty and trust and The Rock totally exudes that.

Priyanka Chopra on… feeling guilty about eating in front of the other Baywatch cast

All of us got really tight, and really close to each other. We spent a lot of time with each other – I mean, these guys would even gym together – I used to eat. I used to emotionally – out of guilt – eat because I used to look at them and be like ‘oh shit I should go to the gym more often’.

Baywatch is out now.

Now enjoy a load of stunning pictures of Priyanka...