Rose Winter Care: 7 Tips To Take Care of Your Rose Plants In Cold Weather

Roses are beautiful and loved for their vibrant and fragrant blooms, but they require some special care during the winter season to ensure their survival. Scroll down to read more about how you can take care of your Rose plant. 

Alice Mary Topno
how to care for rose plants  winter

Are you someone who loves Roses? Rose plants are a beautiful addition to any garden, but they require special care during cold weather. Winter can be harsh on rose bushes, causing damage to the foliage and potentially killing the plant. In this article, we'll provide some tips on how to take care of your rose plants during cold weather to ensure their survival and continued growth in the spring.

You may begin preparing your roses for winter as soon as they have flowered and the days are becoming shorter. The timing of this will depend on your location and the place where you live. Here's a detailed guide on how to care for your rose plants in winter season:

1. Pruning

Pruning is essential to prepare your rose plants for winter. It helps to remove any dead, diseased, or damaged branches, which can attract pests and diseases. Prune your roses in late autumn or early winter. Use clean and sharp pruning shears to make clean cuts, and cut back the branches by one-third to one-half of their length.

2. Mulching


Mulching helps to insulate the roots of your rose plants from the cold winter soil. Spread a layer of organic mulch, such as straw, leaves, or bark, around the base of your roses, about 2-3 inches deep. This will help to retain moisture in the soil and prevent frost heave (when the soil freezes and heaves up the roots).

3. Watering


Roses need less water during winter as the growth is slow. Water occasionally during the winter season. Aim to provide enough water to moisten the soil deeply but avoid overwatering, which can damage the roots. Water at the base of the plant, avoiding wetting the foliage (all the leaves of the plant).

4. Fertilising

Roses don't require much fertiliser during winter as they're not actively growing. However, you can apply a slow-release fertiliser in late autumn or early winter to provide nutrients for the roots. Avoid using high-nitrogen fertilisers as they can promote new growth, which is susceptible to winter damage.

5. Protecting


If you live in an area with bad winter weather, you may need to protect your rose plants from the elements like strong cold winds or snowfall. For protection in cold climates, mound soil around the base of the rose bushes to a height of 8-12 inches. Wrap the rose bushes with burlap or other breathable material to protect them from wind and extreme cold. Cover the rose bushes with evergreen boughs to provide protection from harsh winter winds (Tips To Care For Flowering Plants During Winter Season). Remove the covers as soon as the weather improves to prevent mold and mildew growth.

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6. Pest Control

Apply a dormant spray containing lime sulfur in late winter to kill overwintering pests and fungal spores. Aphids can be managed on roses by using an insecticidal soap spray. Remove and destroy any fallen leaves or debris around the rose bushes to prevent the spread of diseases and pests.

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7. Inspection

Regularly inspect your rose plants during winter for any signs of disease or damage caused by harsh weather conditions. Prune off any affected branches immediately and dispose of them properly to prevent spreading diseases to other plants.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your rose plants survive the winter season and are ready for new growth in the spring season.

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