Mathematics Day: Top 9 Famous Indian Mathematicians

22 Dec, 2023

Joy Pillai

Narendra Karmarkar: Known for his Karmarkar's algorithm.

Satyendra Nath Bose: He was an Indian mathematician specialising in theoretical physics.

Shakuntala Devi: He was a famous mental calculator and writer.

P.C. Mahalanobis: Known for his Mahalanobis distance Feldman–Mahalanobis model.

Brahmagupta: Known for his Modern number system, Brahmagupta's theorem, Brahmagupta's identity.

Aryabhatta: He was the first of the major mathematician from the classical age of Indian mathematics.

Bhaskara I: Known for Frequency partition, Line graphs, and Degree sequences.

Srinivasa Ramanujan: He is known for Landau–Ramanujan constant; Mock theta functions; Ramanujan conjecture; and Ramanujan prime.

D R Kaprekar: A self-taught Indian mathematician who worked in in number theory.

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