Math Riddle IQ Test: Can You Solve This Mini Sudoku?

If you are good with numbers, then this math riddle is for you. Can you solve this mini sudoku?

Nov 8, 2022, 17:00 IST
Math Riddle IQ Test: Can You Solve This Mini Sudoku?
Math Riddle IQ Test: Can You Solve This Mini Sudoku?

Math riddles are fun puzzles that challenge your brain. They are usually designed to test your knowledge of math concepts such as algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, and statistics.

Math riddles are great ways to practice math skills and improve your mental arithmetic.

This is why we are here with a math riddle on numbers. 

If you are good at math, you can solve the questions easily, but if math is not your strength then you will have to work hard to figure out the problems. 

All the best!

Math Riddle IQ Test: Can You Solve This Mini Sudoku?

Look at the riddle posted below. 

Source: Reader’s Digest

What is the problem?

Enter numbers in each row and column to get the final sums. However, use only the digits 1 through 9, and only once each.

Find this too easy?

Fine, let’s turn this into a challenge. 

Set a timer to 13 seconds and try to find the answer within the allotted time. 

Good luck! 

Math Riddle IQ Test Answer

You must have figured out the answers by now. If you have, congratulations are in order. We knew you could do this. 

Still, we are going to reveal the answer so you can cross-check your calculations.

Source: Reader’s Digest

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