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Pretty white cat with beautiful green eyes!

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So beautiful his name really was Spunky, how awesome thx Vince!

I had one like this. His name was Spunky. He was 20 when he passed.


Thanks everyone for the fun comments!

Donnajames, Your story about the cat and kitten made Me laugh. Our sweet Pit Terrior likes to herd Our cat. It is really cute. They are friends now, it took awhile because Chloe was almost 80 pounds. All Our "babies" are Rescues and friendly to each other. Even Our Bunny and Guinea Pig.


You look like a very high maintenance kitty. The Marilyn Munroe of the cat world. Very pretty
green eyes.


That was quite a challenge!!

Had a white cat also with blue eyes and deaf. Was told, all white cats are deaf. But loving!


When I was very young we had a white cat like this with a tiny black spot right under her nose. When she was a kitten we found out she was deaf. We also had a black "cocker spaniel" (father unknown). That dog would take care of the cat. When we let the cat outside and couldn't see her, we sent the dog out looking for her. The dog would come back carrying the kitten in her mouth and deposit her at our feet. We always told the dog not to hurt the baby. So...the cat's name ended up to be Baby. When the kitten grew into a big cat, the dog would go find her and she would see her coming and just scrunch down waiting for the dog to pick her up. She was too big for the dog to pick up, so the dog would herd the cat back home. Loved them both. dj

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