London Gatwick’s Post

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✅ Application submitted According to a YouGov survey nearly 80% of local residents (who expressed a view) say they support our expansion plans. Today we've submitted our planning application to make those plans a reality. If approved, our plans to bring the Northern Runway into routine use will: ➡️ Create 14,000 new jobs ➡️ Boost the local economy by £1 billion every year Read our media release for more info:

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Stephen Wheeler

Entrepreneur - Eco Thought Leader - Change Catalyst - Innovator - Eco Advocate - Aviation Advocate -Founder - CEO


About time……. Now for cancellation of 3rd runway at Heathrow, super fast connection between the two airports and a joint hub principle worked out…. Simples.

Jonathan Spooner, MA

Chief Operating Officer - BIOMAG UK at Health Solutions Clinic


Nothing new. Gatwick has had an emergency runway since the late 80s. This application is to extend the usage for active usage

Charlie Fieldwick

Specialist Managing Consultant - MRO


Have you got a link for the poll, please? London Gatwick

oliver P.

Captain and pilot recruiter at British Airways.


Good luck Gatters! Local also and would love to see this happen

Ian Holmes

A natural problem solver, driving positive growth and leading organisations to success. Carp angler, podcast host and content creator


I think this is great for Gatwick and the surrounding area. Bringing investment and much needed further employment to the area. There is a fantastic opportunity for London Gatwick to lead the industry especially around sustainability and innovation to reduce the impacts this will have on the environment and create better conditions for both workers and travellers at Gatwick.

CAGNE Gatwick

CAGNE the umbrella aviation community and environment group for Sussex Surrey and Kent


So irresponsible of a company to seek expansion in the full knowledge of the damage they are and will do with a 2nd runway

Andy Jewell

07769 491 499 - Technical Sales Consultant at TH Plastics (Ancillary Solutions), Sales Manager at Intouch Monitoring (Real-time Cloud MES) & Consultant (Plastics' Industry Cloud ERP Solutions)


Can Manston Airport be re-opened (at lesser/similar cost) to provide the South East with added airport capacity plus allow the sharing of jobs and GVA in the UK regions?? Its larger runway has historically easily handled "inter-continental" commercial and cargo transport.

💥Stine Ringvig Marsal💥

Inclusive customer and employee experiences: Unlock your full business potential. Provide great experiences for all by adding a focus on diversity, accessibility and Inclusion


If there is an airport that deserves a second runway - it's LGW 😅

Kelly Moreno

Transformation Leader at Thales


Creating thousands of new jobs for the area...building thousands of new houses across green and brown land and already over exhausted flood plains, creating thousands more cars on the local roads, creating thousands more pot holes and craters in our local roads, creating thousands more tonnes of polluted skies, not creating things that matter to the local communities like more local primary or secondary schools, more local Dr surgeries or hospitals, putting thousands more strains across an already over populated area, over strained educational and NHS system....Great news though Gatwick!

Vishal Aggarwal, MBA

Financial Auditor | Fare Audit Management & Compliance | IATA Agency Risk Assessment & Compliance | Billing, & Settlement Plan Operation & Compliance | Revenue optimization & Management | Vendor Management | ADM Advocate


This is a fantastic news LGW, being a local, I can relate to the expansion plan and being a Avgeek, I very much love the need for northern runway and appreciate if this go ahead.

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