Health benefits of Vetpalai – Wrightia tinctoria

Health benefits of Vetpalai – Wrightia tinctoria

Natural Health Remedies

Health benefits of Vetpalai – Wrightia tinctoria

Used in treatment of Psoriasis

Plant name : Vetpalai or Pala Indigo Plant

“Used in treatment of Psoriasis”.

Botanical name : Wrightia tinctoria

Family : Apocynaeceae

Actions : Bark: Antipyretic, Anti diarrhoeal, Seeds: Aphrodisiac, Leaves: Anti- Microbial

Siddha Medicinal Uses :

The leaves are cleaned well made into small pieces. It is then soaked in coconut oil in a wide mouthed vessel. This vessel is exposed to sunlight daily. It is called Surya pudam. When the desired consistency achieved, it is filtered and stored in a dry container. This oil is helpful in treatment of psoriasis and known as Vetpalai thailam in Siddha. It can also be taken internally under doctor’s prescription.

Vetpalai thailam is also helpful against dandruff and other skin ailments.

Bark powder is used in treatment of diarrhoea. It also reduces fever.

Baked seeds are remedy for improving libido.




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