How AI can kill Sex and Humans : Relationship

How AI can kill Sex and Humans : Relationship

Sex robots, long a staple of science fiction, have begun receiving a lot of real-world attention. Unlike sex dolls, their inanimate counterparts, sex robots blend lifelike silicone with animatronics to simulate movement, and embed their mechanical brains with artificial intelligence to feign conscious behavior. They seek to emulate a real-life partner that is capable of responding and adapting to its partner, not simply a life-size replica to be used—and abused.

As we whittle away our obsolete lives as technology zooms past human capabilities, those unproductive hours should at least be enjoyable, thanks to lifelike androids fitted out for machine-precise sexual proficiency, teledildonics allowing long-distance partners to pleasure each other from across the world, and virtual reality interactions that will make low self-confidence, physical impairment or even the laws of physics no obstacle to realizing one’s fantasies.

Oliver Bendel, ‎the professor of information systems and ethics at the ‎University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, expects “perfect” sex robots capable of reading “every wish from our eyes” in as soon as 20 years’ time.

He says they could come in all shapes and sizes, not just in human form but also “abstract” constructions built purely with function in mind.

Sharon Jennings, manager of the Sex Industry Network in South Australia, a state where sex work is criminalised, says the technology as it improves will enable people in her industry to navigate “draconian” laws.

“It is quite exciting, the potential – it would also allow sex workers to access clients in remote areas where anonymity is limited,” she says.

“People can increasingly operate as sex workers in their own bedroom and the other people in the house might not have a clue.”

Jennings sees the potential for IoT toys but laughs off the idea that sex robots could prompt a jobs wipeout in her industry. “Seeing sex workers is about more than penetrative sex – clients want to be held and touched,” she says.

Reetam Bhattacharjee

Process Developer at Genpact


In this technology era we lose many to achieve more, this is the current scenario which we should worry about and simultaneously wish for a better future. Well share,,,


Dude, this is not the correct way to share. Please remove the article fairly.

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