What Is Going On With The Suite Life Twins Cole And Dylan Sprouse

Carly Silver
Updated April 22, 2024 1.0M views 13 items

From childhood to adolescence, two young men dominated the big and small screens – largely on Disney – but what's up with the Sprouse twins now? Cole and Dylan Sprouse were sensations, starring in Friends, Big Daddy, and the Suite Life franchise, but where is Cole Sprouse now? Well, he landed a starring role in the CW hit show Riverdale as Jughead and is taking tons of photos online. And where is Dylan Sprouse now? He's become a professional brewer who has had some relationship troubles.

Other Dylan Sprouse stories involve his uber-adorable bulldog, Magnus, and a nude photo scandal from 2013. Additional facts about Cole Sprouse deal with his many Instagram accounts and revived acting career. So, if you're a "Sprouser" who needs all the updates on the twins' careers, check out these fascinating Sprouse facts. 

  • Dylan Returned To Acting With A Dark Thriller

    Moving away from his comedic roots, Dylan snagged a starring role in the 2017 indie thriller Dismissed. He plays Lucas Ward, a student determined to get a good grade, one who will stop at absolutely nothing to get what he wants from his teacher. This was one of the first roles he took since graduating from NYU.

  • Cole Landed The Leading Role Of Jughead On 'Riverdale'

    Marking his return to acting, Cole landed the co-starring role of Jughead on the CW's Riverdale, a major critical hit based on the long-running Archie comics. Originally meant for the role of Archie, Cole has been a big hit as the quirky Jughead.

    In particular, fans got behind his character's romance with female lead Betty. Why? Perhaps it is because Cole and the actress playing Betty, Lili Reinhart, dated in real life as well.

  • Nude Photos Of Dylan Leaked Online

    In 2013, photos of Dylan completely in the buff leaked online. Rumor had it that his ex-girlfriend published them without his knowledge, but Dylan wasn't ruffled. He responded in a genial fashion, Tweeting, "I messed up... but I'd be a fool not to own up to it. Got to move past it I suppose." Dylan later stated that he wasn't ashamed of the photos; he had just put his trust in the wrong person.

  • They Graduated From NYU With Honors

    In 2015, both Sprouse boys graduated from New York University's Gallatin School of Individualized Study with honors! Dylan studied video game design, while Cole majored in archaeology. When reflecting on their time at college and away from acting, Cole told Teen Vogue:

    "It gave such a powerful perspective on how the industry works and operates. In enabling us to study other paths and other understandings and ideas, it really empowered my understanding of the industry and how to act and how to be within it as well. I really am so glad we decided to go away for a little bit."

  • In True Twin Fashion, They Swapped Places At Graduation

    The Sprouses truly took "twinning" to a whole new level. When graduating from NYU, they switched places: Cole taking Dylan's diploma and Dylan Cole's. Dylan told Teen Vogue: "In fact, if you look up my graduating photo you'll see. We just decided, you know, there's no reason not to. No one's going to notice."

  • Dylan Opened A Hipster Meadery In Williamsburg

    Dylan Sprouse opened a Brooklyn-based craft brewery called All-Wise Meadery. According to the company's website, "The All-Wise brewing philosophy follows ancient mead-making techniques by sourcing from small growers and producers and practicing minimal intervention." 

  • Dylan Was Accused Of Cheating On His Girlfriend On Instagram

    Dylan Was Accused Of Cheating On His Girlfriend On Instagram
    Photo: Pixabay

    Rumors have swirled claiming Dylan was unfaithful to his ex-girlfriend, Dayna Frazer, after she posted (and deleted) allegations of infidelity on Instagram.

    Dylan denied the allegations on Twitter (sort of), Tweeting, "I will say this and only this: by adhering to an assumption based on limited information, you neglect the complicated nature of this issue." He added, "This is complicated and it will remain complicated, but those who know me and who have known me, know well enough what kind of person I am."

  • Dylan Self-Identifies As A Neo-Pagan

    Dylan Self-Identifies As A Neo-Pagan
    Photo: Odin / Wikimedia Commons

    Dylan self-identifies as a follower of the Norse gods, AKA a Contemporary Pagan. He told Bedford & Bowery, "I’m a Heathen. It’s like a German pagan thing, I’ve been that since I was 15 years old..." He's openly Tweeted his worship of the Norse deity Odin, even saying, "Odin > Santa."

  • Dylan Got Really Involved In The Video Game World

    Having majored in video game design at NYU, Dylan has gotten really involved in gaming. He became assistant game designer on a project called Reborn while still in college in 2013. What made it so intriguing? Dylan told NYU Local

    “With video games, everything is the narrative. If you think about it, the way you design it is like mechanics, dynamics, and then aesthetics. As a player, you first see the aesthetics, and then you play and you’re like, ‘Oh, I really like the controls!’ And then you realize the mechanics, so it’s backwards for the player.”

  • They Turned Down A "Suite Life" Spinoff

    After Suite Life on Deck ended, the twins wanted to continue working with Disney. They pitched the network a Suite Life spin-off, but Disney turned them down. According to Dylan, Disney then came back and pitched them virtually the same idea, just set in Miami and featuring fellow Disney star Selena Gomez. Dylan told The Huffington Post:

    "And Cole and I turned to each other... we basically laughed in their face and walked out. That was the last meeting we had with Disney. We were just like no, that was the end.”

  • Cole Is A Legitimately Talented Photographer

    Besides acting, Cole enjoys taking pics professionally. He posts his snaps on Instagram at @colesprouse. His work ranges from photos of nature to fashion shots of stars like Kendall Jenner and Sophie Turner.

  • Cole Runs An Instagram Account Featuring People Photographing Him

    In addition to his professional photography, Cole snaps pics of people who are trying to photograph him. He has a separate account just for such shots (@camera_duels on Instagram). In one caption, Cole joked, "Did my Instagram backfire? Have I actually stoked the flame rather than douse it? No matter, I'll duel all of you if need be."

  • Yes, Dylan Runs An Instagram Account For His Pet Bulldog

    Who doesn't have an account showing off their pet? Dylan Sprouse loves to post pics of his bulldog, Magnus, on Instagram. The shots show the wrinkly wonder at every stage of life, running the gamut from riding on the NYC subway (in a tote bag) to roaming the city streets, playing in the dog park, and cuddling his owner.