Cole Sprouse Roasted Dylan's First Kiss With Selena Gomez

The dueling Sprouse brothers are back.
Dylan and Cole Sprouse
Frazer Harrison

Selena Gomez recently revealed that she had a longtime crush on fellow actor Cole Sprouse back during their Disney days, but ended up having her first kiss with his twin brother, Dylan, for an episode of the Sprouse brothers' show The Suite Life of Zack & Cody. Selena wasn't thrilled about the kiss; she actually joked about it, calling it "one of the worst days of [her] life" during a recent appearance on The Kelly Clarkson Show.

News of Selena's disappointing first kiss experience hit the internet and spread like wildfire over the weekend, and both Sprouse brothers got a kick out of the story. Teen Vogue posted a pic of young Selena, Cole, and Dylan (along with Brenda Song) to Instagram with a few details about the story, and Cole himself commented, tagging Dylan in the process. "I can safely say I've never had a girl say this about me," he wrote. Oh, brothers — always looking for a way to roast each other.

Dylan was eager to poke fun at his young self too. He tweeted a pic from the Daily Mail's Snapchat about Selena's throwback tale, in which a current-day Selena is shown in contrast with a pic of young Dylan. “Yo get that pic of him in the fedora to really sell the message," the actor tweeted. The hat was definitely a choice, but hey, we've all had our share of cringeworthy fashion moments.

The Sprouse twins are professional jokesters, especially when their target is each other. Their Twitter roasts of one another are legendary at this point, and Selena's story just gave Cole more fuel for the fire. We're sure it's going to pop up again in the future because this story is just too good to ignore.

Both Dylan and Selena have talked about the kiss before, and they seem to agree that it was very awkward. "I actually leaned in to kiss him, and I had my eyes closed a little too early and I ended up missing, like, half of his lips. So it ended up being the most awkward kiss in the world…I was 12, so it was okay and it was good. Thank goodness he is such an awesome guy!” Selena told Twist about the experience. “There's a lot of sad, depressing first kiss stories…I wasn't very successful with women for a long time, but I think my first kiss was on a set, and I think it might have been with Selena Gomez," Dylan previously said.

Regardless of their awkward preteen kiss, both Selena and Dylan have a sense of humor about the whole thing, and honestly? We're ready to rewatch that episode of Suite Life just to revisit the whole thing once again and see if it was really as bad as they say it was.

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