Women Who Wear Makeup Make More Money, But At What Cost?

The makeup tax is real.
Image may contain Lipstick Cosmetics Human and Person
Photo: Advertising Archive/Courtesy Everett Collection

Have you ever overslept and rushed out the door, sans makeup, only to be questioned by your coworkers or peers on whether or not you got a good night's sleep, or if you are 'okay'? Makeup is such a big part of so many women's lives that even a day without it can be jarring to others.

In a story in today's The Atlantic, Olga Khazan investigates the discrepancy between men and women when it comes to how they are regarded, not only in the workplace, but in society at large. Khazan references a Facebook Q&A session that Hillary Clinton participated in on July 20th. A Facebook employee, Libby Brittain, asks Clinton how she deals with the pressures of having to look good 24/7 as a woman in the public eye.

"Every morning, as my boyfriend zips out the door and I spend 30+ minutes getting ready, I wonder about how the 'hair-and-makeup tax' affects other women — especially ones I admire in high-pressure, public-facing jobs," wrote Brittain. "I know these questions can seem fluffy, but as a young professional woman, I'd genuinely love to hear about how you manage getting ready each morning (especially during your time traveling as Secretary of State and now on the campaign trail) while staying focused on the 'real' work ahead of you that day."

Clinton's response?

"Amen, sister — you're preaching to the choir. It's a daily challenge. I do the best I can — and as you may have noticed, some days are better than others!"

Of course, Clinton feels the stress of appearing well put-together, just as most women do, and she often deals with being picked apart (life under the microscope can't be easy). But Khazan finds fault in Clinton's answer. Isn't now a better time than ever for someone with as much power as Clinton to fight against this dated and unfair mindset? Shouldn't she step in and talk about why she wants to reverse this double-standard? Of course, having to answer questions like this in the first place is a problem in and of itself: Male candidates would never be asked about their getting-ready rituals. But, because Clinton is in a position of power, she does have the tools and outreach to be able to shed light on the subject.

The article goes on to cite some pretty shocking statistics — the cosmetics industry makes $60 billion each year. When it comes down to it, women just spend more on upkeep than men. When you think about the cost of hair products, makeup, tampons, not to mention the Pink tax, which states that women's products cost more than men's products in general (i.e. a women's razor is costlier than a man's), the female gender is shelling out a pretty penny in the name of looking good. And, according to The Today Show, women spend about two weeks per year primping. That is a lot of time, a lot of energy, and a lot of resources that men don't have to worry about. Women could simply ditch the makeup, but what about the multiple studies that show that attractive people earn more money? Who wants to risk lower pay, or less renowned jobs? So, the morning makeup routine continues.

Even the current no-makeup makeup trend that boasts a natural, effortless appearance is deceiving, in that it requires multiple products and steps to achieve a "nonchalant" prettiness. The article refers to a study by the Journal of Applied Social Psychology that says: "Women presented wearing cosmetics were perceived as healthier and more confident than when presented without. Participants also awarded women wearing makeup with a greater earning potential and with more prestigious jobs than the same women without cosmetics."

Khazan notes that there are a few solutions. Women could work from home (not possible in most career paths, and also, why should they?), the media could promote makeup-free coverage, or women could simply just stop wearing makeup all together. But, how realistic is that? There's little to no chance that all the women in the world would suddenly band together and go makeup-free.

The solution? We need to start looking at attractiveness in a different way. Men can be attractive without makeup. Women should be held to the same standards. There's no problem with loving makeup. A great lipstick can be an instant pick-me-up. And if makeup makes you feel good, of course you should rock it. But being rewarded or punished over whether or not you wear a full-face isn't right. The reality is that makeup, like anything else regarding your body and appearance, should be a choice, not something done to please others or get ahead.

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