8 things you should know before an internal gynaec exam

8 things you should know before an internal gynaec exam

Worried about what to expect when you go for an internal gynec exam? Here is the information you need to prepare yourself for one.

Written by Dr Anitha Anchan |Published : July 28, 2016 3:10 PM IST

A pelvic exam is mostly a routine procedure when you visit a gynaecologist. It can be slightly embarrassing especially for first-timers. The exam will require you to lie in a position which you may find awkward. You will need to lie on your back with your legs spread wide apart and you may even be asked to put your feet on stirrups. If the thought of doing this makes you feel uneasy or you don't know what else to expect during such an exam, read on.

1. The first pelvic exam

Usually, you will be advised a pelvic examination when you turn 21, even if you haven t been sexually active. It helps to screen for any gynaecological conditions. The test may be advised earlier if you have pain in your pelvic region, heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding, missed menstrual cycle, itching or burning sensation around the vagina or smelly discharge.

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2. Test during menstruation

If your appointment for the internal gynaec exam coincides with your period, consider rescheduling it. You may find it messy and uncomfortable. It may also cause inaccurate pap smear test results. But if you are undergoing IVF treatment, a transvaginal ultrasound may be recommended on day 3 of your menstrual cycle to evaluate your ovaries and uterus.

3. Vaginal grooming

You do not need to shave or wax your vagina before a gynaecological exam. But make sure to keep it clean. If you are the kind who prefers to be clean shaven down under, read to find out the different bikini waxing methods. You could even try a vaginal facial.

4. Preparation

Make a list of all your fears and concerns that you have. You may feel odd to talk about all your intimate details, but remember that your doctor won t be able to help you unless you are frank. Be prepared to open up about your medical history and sexual activity.

5. Time taken

It takes just a few minutes! The pelvic test is a very simple examination and will not take more than 5 minutes. Your gynaecologist will first examine your clitoris, labia and vaginal opening. Then the doctor will examine the inside of the vagina and the cervix by inserting an instrument called speculum into the vagina. The doctor will check your uterus, ovaries and the tubes by inserting a gloved finger into your vagina while at the same time applying gentle pressure on your lower belly with the other hand.

6. Pain

Are you worried that you may experience pain when your doctor inserts fingers or an instrument inside your vagina? You might feel the pressure, but there shouldn t be any pain. The examination can be a little uncomfortable, though. If you experience any pain, don t just grind your teeth and bear it. Tell your doctor.

7. Pap smear

A Pap smear test may be conducted during a pelvic exam. It is advisable to have the test every two years starting at age 21. A sample from the cervix is taken with a small brush and examined under the microscope. The test is used to detect pre-cancerous or cancerous conditions in the cervix.

8. Transvaginal ultrasound

A transvaginal ultrasound is used to examine your reproductive organs. A long narrow lubricated transducer is inserted into the vagina. The procedure can be uncomfortable, but the test gives a better view inside during the initial days of pregnancy.

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