Lillete Dubey talks about completing 25 years on Indian stage

In this 5 minute interview
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How has your company Primetime Theatre Co changed the definition of Indian theatre? During my theatre training in Delhi, I performed in all kinds of plays, from Shakespeare to Bretch to Arthur Miller. But when I started the company way back in Delhi, my sole motive was to tell stories that spoke the language of India. Even if they were adapted, I wanted to create productions that echo the essence of who we really are, rather than imitating the west. For me, that has been the biggest strength of our company.

Even so, your plays have a universal appeal and aren't very culture specific. Why is that? Our productions have been staged in over 25 countries and done over 3,000 shows. We have travelled everywhere from Europe to USA to the Middle East, and people from every culture enjoy our work. I like working on themes that are of larger significance to my audience, than limiting myself to a genre or space. Like my play 9 Parts of Desire speaks about an Iraqi woman, her passions, her struggles or even Dance like a Man, which has done over 500 and is about two Bharatanatyam dancers. These are plays that resonate universally with people because they speak of everyday dreams and aspirations and the struggle to survive.

You have chosen plays like August Osage County and Where Did I Leave My Purdah? where women are central characters and the story is from a female perspective. Is that a conscious attempt? Perhaps. I grew up in the '70s where both men and women were a lot more opinionated and free-spirited than today. There was a purpose to our rebellion, and possibly that's what attracts me to stories with feisty female characters. Like I play an 80-year-old woman who has been a star on stage in her times in purdah. She is as eccentric as an old woman could be and it's a blast to perform that part.

Does your personality as a popular film actor overshadow your role as a producer-director on stage? Absolutely not. Yes, a lot of people do recognise me for my film work than any of the plays I've done. I may have a 10 minute role in a film, but that is more popular than a play I have been staging for 10 years. Like people ask me about my small role in Lunchbox but most of them can't even spell names of my plays. It's just the nature of the business. As long as my theatrical productions sustain themselves, I'm happy playing both parts.

Do you enjoy acting or directing more? That's really a tough one. It's exciting and challenging to be on screen, especially because I started my film career rather late. Theatre has been with me ever since I discovered my love for acting and it's now become a way of life. No matter how many films I do, I will always come back to stage. It's my school. It's where I've learnt everything. I am planning two new productions, including the revival of my mythological drama Jaya - The Victory. Plus I have a film and a TV show I'm part of. So there's enough to be done in both spaces.

You are over 60 years old, but you just continue to glow like a teenager. What's your secret? I wake up every morning and do exactly what I love to. It shows. (smiles)

The Primetime Theatre Festival is on at Prithvi, Juhu, Mumbai, from February 13-21. Tickets on