Feel the passion of Ferdinand Hodler in our art prints.

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Österreichische Kunstmanufaktur

Feel the passion of Ferdinand Hodler in our art prints.

Our art reproductions bring moments of comfort directly into your home.

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Ferdinand Hodler
Passionate Customer Service
Museum Quality Art Prints
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Österreichische Kunstmanufaktur Passionate Customer Service
Museum Quality Art Prints
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The most popular works of Ferdinand Hodler

These artworks are particularly popular with our customers.

Eiger, Mönch und Jungfrau in der...
1908 | Oil on canvas

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Genfersee mit Mont-Blanc im Morg...
1918 | Oil on canvas

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Der Grammont
1905 | Oil on canvas

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The most popular works of Ferdinand Hodler

These artworks are particularly popular with our customers.

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Discover more artworks by Ferdinand Hodler

458 artworks found

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Thunersee mit Niesen
1910 | Oil on canvas

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Der Buchenwald
1885 | Oil on canvas

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Blühender Kirschbaum
1905 | Oil on canvas

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Genfersee mit Mont-Blanc bei Mor...
1918 | Oil on canvas

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Thunersee mit symmetrischer Spie...
1905 | Oil on canvas

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Thunersee mit Stockhornkette
1913 | Oil on canvas

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Lake Geneva, Seen from Chexbres
1905 | oil on canvas

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Thunersee mit symmetrischer Spie...
1904 | Oil on canvas

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Aufbruch der Jenenser Studenten ...
1813 | Oil on canvas

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Genfersee mit Mont-Blanc im Morg...
1918 | Oil on canvas

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Der barmherzige Samariter. Um 1883
Undated | Oil on canvas

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Undated | Oil on canvas

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Der Lesende
1885 | Oil on canvas

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Landschaft bei Genf
1890 | Oil on canvas

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Die Schwarze Lütschine
1905 | Oil on canvas

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Thunersee mit Stockhornkette
1904 | Oil on canvas

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Der Grammont. 1905
Undated | Oil on canvas

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Der Schuhmacher
1878 | Oil on canvas

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Schnee im Engadin
1907 | Oil on canvas

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Study for "Die Cempfindung I", c...
Undated | gouache, pastel and pencil on paper

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Kastanienallee bei Biberist
1898 | Oil on canvas

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Die Empfindung
1901 | Oil on canvas

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Die Strasse nach Evordes
1890 | Oil on canvas

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Der kahle Baum
1917 | Oil on canvas

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Die Gantrischkette
1898 | Oil on canvas

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Die Dents du Midi von Chesières aus
1912 | Oil on canvas

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Rhythmische Landschaft am Genfersee
1908 | Oil on canvas

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Sonnenuntergang am Genfersee
1915 | Oil on canvas

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Wald mit Bergbach
1902 | Oil on canvas

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Der Mäher
1910 | Oil on canvas

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Freiburger Stier
1880 | Oil on canvas

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Maggiadelta vor Sonnenaufgang
1893 | Oil on canvas

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Genfersee am Abend von Chexbres aus
1895 | Oil on canvas

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The Splendor of Lines; Linienher...
1908 | oil on canvas

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Genfer See mit den Savoyer Alpen
1907 | painting

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Sonnenuntergang am Genfersee von...
1917 | Oil on canvas

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Portrait of Käthe von Bach
1904 | Oil on canvas

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Eiger, Mönch und Jungfrau über d...
1908 | Oil on canvas

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Die Waadländer Alpen von den Roc...
Undated | Oil on canvas

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Undated | oil on canvas

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Der Genfersee von St Prex aus
1901 | Oil on canvas

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Der Thunersee von Lessigen aus
1904 | Oil on canvas

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Landschaft am Genfer See
1906 | Oil on canvas

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1906 | Oil on canvas

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Le Grand Muveran
1912 | Oil on canvas

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Pariser Selbstbildnis
1891 | drawing

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Landschaftlicher Formenrhythmus
1908 | Oil on canvas

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Porträtstudie zu „Blick in die U...
1916 | Oil on canvas

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Abendnebel am Thunersee
1908 | Oil on canvas

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Les Pedits Lacs
1878 | Oil on canvas

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Genfersee mit Mont-Blanc in der ...
1918 | Oil on canvas

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Sitzender weiblicher Akt mit erh...
1898 | Oil on canvas

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Die Wahrheit II
1903 | Oil on canvas

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le anime deluse
1892 | Oil on canvas

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Die Nacht
1889 | Oil on canvas

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Am Ufer des Manzanares
1878 | Oil on canvas

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Die Quelle
1904 | Oil on canvas

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Der Holzfäller
1910 | Oil on canvas

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Disappointed Soul, ca 1891.
Undated |

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Genfersee mit Blick auf die Savo...
1906 | Oil on canvas

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Das Turnerbankett
1878 | Oil on canvas

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Die Lebensmüden
1892 | Oil on canvas

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Landschaft in den Schweizer Alpen
1853 | Oil on canvas

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Day Truth, 189698.
Undated | oil painting

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Enchanted Boy; Bezauberter knabe...
1909 | oil on canvas

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Weisshorn von Montana aus
1915 | Oil on canvas

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Am Fuss des Petit Salève
1893 | Oil on canvas

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Ferdinand Hodler

Ferdinand Hodler

  March 14, 1853
  May 19, 1918
   •   Symbolism   •   Wikipedia: Ferdinand Hodler

Mirror-image constructed lake landscapes, self-portraits as reflections on the essence of the self and nature: these are the central motifs that preoccupied the Swiss painter Ferdinand Hodler (1853-1918) throughout his life.

In the early phase of the film, as early as 1896, Hodler did not miss the opportunity to stage himself in the hustle and bustle of hat-waving visitors and artist colleagues at the opening ceremony of the Geneva National Exhibition. The facial features and stature of the slender man with beard, dressed in suit and melon, correspond to those he himself drew of himself in his self-portraits. The contours of his eyes and ears have the same shape as in contemporary photographs. The scene immortalized on celluloid, which Hodler's moving image transmits, was documented by the artist himself in his notes. It was taken around the time when the Thun-born painter's high-altitude flight was approaching an abrupt decline.

At first the young Hodler, who had grown up in poor circumstances, had been encouraged as an extraordinary, promising talent. He received the undivided support of the academies and art critics, and was offered teaching positions and solo exhibitions. With his panoramic landscape paintings, he quickly achieved prosperity in the Geneva art scene. Hodler travelled throughout Europe and soon became the most renowned painter in Switzerland. Even today his paintings still fetch record prices: In 2007, Lake Geneva from Saint-Prex achieved an auction result of over 10 million euros, making it the most expensive painting in Switzerland.

With the outbreak of the Second World War the tide finally turned. Hodler's criticism of the Germans' aggressive actions, especially their bombing of Reims Cathedral, made him a target of attacks by the German press. The Munich Secession did not miss the opportunity to defame the artist in public. While the circle around the Blauer Reiter, including Alexej von Jawlensky, Franz Marc, Paul Klee and Wassily Kandinsky, organized joint exhibitions of German, Dutch, Russian and French artists, the accredited Munich artistic elite fell into nationalist propaganda, describing Hodler's statement as an "expression of spiteful sentiment":"Anyone who lives in Switzerland, who has a German-sounding name and does not want to understand what is at stake in this war, and does not know how much our Germany means for the morality of Europe, indeed, that the safeguarding of the highest cultural goods depends on our victory, lacks the inner education that makes the great artist in the first place.“ Hodler's exclusion from the most important artists' associations was the immediate consequence. The painting Auszug der deutschen Studenten in den Freiheitskrieg von 1813, a jewel of the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, had to be taken down and sold. Hodler's international career was thus ended. Only his Swiss compatriots preserved the memory of the Symbolist, to whom exhibitions in the world's most famous museums are dedicated today.

Ferdinand Hodler

Ferdinand Hodler
  March 14, 1853
  May 19, 1918
   •   Symbolism   •   Wikipedia: Ferdinand Hodler

Mirror-image constructed lake landscapes, self-portraits as reflections on the essence of the self and nature: these are the central motifs that preoccupied the Swiss painter Ferdinand Hodler (1853-1918) throughout his life.

In the early phase of the film, as early as 1896, Hodler did not miss the opportunity to stage himself in the hustle and bustle of hat-waving visitors and artist colleagues at the opening ceremony of the Geneva National Exhibition. The facial features and stature of the slender man with beard, dressed in suit and melon, correspond to those he himself drew of himself in his self-portraits. The contours of his eyes and ears have the same shape as in contemporary photographs. The scene immortalized on celluloid, which Hodler's moving image transmits, was documented by the artist himself in his notes. It was taken around the time when the Thun-born painter's high-altitude flight was approaching an abrupt decline.

At first the young Hodler, who had grown up in poor circumstances, had been encouraged as an extraordinary, promising talent. He received the undivided support of the academies and art critics, and was offered teaching positions and solo exhibitions. With his panoramic landscape paintings, he quickly achieved prosperity in the Geneva art scene. Hodler travelled throughout Europe and soon became the most renowned painter in Switzerland. Even today his paintings still fetch record prices: In 2007, Lake Geneva from Saint-Prex achieved an auction result of over 10 million euros, making it the most expensive painting in Switzerland.

With the outbreak of the Second World War the tide finally turned. Hodler's criticism of the Germans' aggressive actions, especially their bombing of Reims Cathedral, made him a target of attacks by the German press. The Munich Secession did not miss the opportunity to defame the artist in public. While the circle around the Blauer Reiter, including Alexej von Jawlensky, Franz Marc, Paul Klee and Wassily Kandinsky, organized joint exhibitions of German, Dutch, Russian and French artists, the accredited Munich artistic elite fell into nationalist propaganda, describing Hodler's statement as an "expression of spiteful sentiment":"Anyone who lives in Switzerland, who has a German-sounding name and does not want to understand what is at stake in this war, and does not know how much our Germany means for the morality of Europe, indeed, that the safeguarding of the highest cultural goods depends on our victory, lacks the inner education that makes the great artist in the first place.“ Hodler's exclusion from the most important artists' associations was the immediate consequence. The painting Auszug der deutschen Studenten in den Freiheitskrieg von 1813, a jewel of the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, had to be taken down and sold. Hodler's international career was thus ended. Only his Swiss compatriots preserved the memory of the Symbolist, to whom exhibitions in the world's most famous museums are dedicated today.

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Personalizing your art print at Meisterdrucke is a simple and intuitive process that allows you to design an artwork exactly to your specifications: Choose a frame, determine the image size, decide on a printing medium, and add suitable glazing or a stretcher frame. We also offer customization options such as mats, fillets, and spacers. Our customer service is available to help you design your perfect artwork.

At Meisterdrucke, you have the fascinating option to visualize the artwork you configured directly in your own space. For a tailored preview, simply upload a photo of your room and let the artwork appear on it. If you visit us via a mobile device, be it a phone or tablet, our augmented reality feature brings the image to life and seamlessly projects it into your space. An experience that uniquely combines art and technology.

Choosing the medium is often a matter of personal taste. To give you a clearer idea, we have provided some images for each medium. For a holistic experience, we also offer you a sample set of all paper variants so you can make a decision not just visually but also haptically. You can take advantage of the sample set free of charge – only the shipping costs will apply. You can order the sample set directly.

Do not worry. At Meisterdrucke, we do not proceed mechanically. We manually review each order. If there are any inconsistencies or peculiarities in the configuration, we will immediately contact you. Of course, our courteous and patient support is always at your side to assist you with the configuration. Together with you, we adjust your image by phone or email so that the final result exactly meets your expectations.

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Mo-Do: 7:00 - 16:00 | Fr: 7:00 - 13:00

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Our experts are happy to assist you.

+43 4257 29415
Mo-Do: 7:00 - 16:00 | Fr: 7:00 - 13:00


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        +43 4257 29415
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